→  Once action is done, you can delete this canvas

This is your opt in template page. Feel free to duplicate this page as many times as you need for all of your opt ins! Just keep this main Opt In page as your original template so you can duplicate the page when needed.

  1. Click on the 3 dots next to the Opt In Template page and duplicate the page. Then click on the dots on the duplicate and rename to match your opt in.
  2. On the page, click on the opt in form canvas and DELETE the canvas view titled: "DELETE THIS FOLDER".
  3. Then embed your own form, from your email marketing platform of choice, where it says </> Embed Form HERE and turn ON the memo.
  4. Customize text and images on the rest of the page as needed.

Note: Typical opt in pages don't include the header and footer of your regular website to increase conversion and keep them on the page. I've hidden those canvases here but you can choose to display if you like. Click on the 3 dots next to those canvases and check to make visible on desktop and mobile.

action needed

How to use the opt in page

your enticing

[Give a quick hook to describe your opt-in here and draw people in.] To receive your free Opt In Title, please subscribe to our newsletter where you can get more freebies and tips delivered straight to your inbox!

opt in title

Your enticing opt in title

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This form is for demo purposes ONLY. You will need to replace this form with your own.
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First Name